The Unique “Logos” in The Gospel of John
Unique “Logos” in The Gospel of John
: Naomi Fortuna
of the questions raised when we read the first chapter of the Gospel
of John are “Why
the writer used the word Logos, which is from Greek Philosophy, to
address Christ?”,
is the meaning of Logos in the context of the readers and the writer
of this Gospel?”.
There is a unique concept of Logos which made this term used by the
author as the opening idea of the Gospel. Through this writing, I
want to explore the uniqueness of the meaning of Logos (in the
context of the readers and the writer) as the contact point of
proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ as the Son of God .
purpose of the author writing this Gospel recorded in John
20:31 “..but
these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ,
the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name”
. The purpose of the Gospel is make people know Christ, the Son of
God, and believe in Him. The aim is to win people to know Christ.
The term of “Logos” becomes the point of contact of the writer
and the readers to understand the Supremacy of Christ and His
incarnation to the world. The word “Logos” has special meaning to
both Jews and Gentiles.
readers' worldview of “Logos”
The usage of the term in “Logos” in Greek Philosophy
(ca 500 BCE) employed the term logos in its common meaning:
proportion, account, explanation and for an underlying cosmic
principle of order which related to measure, reckoning or proportion,
ordering principle of the material world1.
Plato (429 BCE) used the term in association with discourse or
rational explanation, true account. Rational discourse plays an
important role as the higher levels of being, at the level of
essence, or idea of things, and could lead to the real knowledge2.
Aristotle (384-322 BCE) used the term logos in the sense of
“definition”, “proportion” and “ratio”. He used it to
refer to rational speech and rationality.
the Stoicsm, Logos played a cosmological role. For the Stoic, logos,
God and nature were in reality one. Logos was the rational element
that pervades the controls all of the universe. For a Greek, who
influenced by Stoic philosophy, the Logos meant the Rational
Principle permeating all reality3.
The usage of the term “Logos” in Septuagint
Septuagint, Logos was used to translate some Hebrew words. Over 90%
of the times, logos was used to translate the word “dabar”
(“word” in Hebrew). This translation used especially in prophetic
books and wisdom literature. Logos in the Septuagint has more dynamic
meaning than its original meaning in Greek4.
To a Jew, the Word of God is the creative power of God in action and
the guiding purpose of God at work in Hebrew history5.
The association of God's logos with creation and cosmic order was an
important influence on the use of logos in Hellenistic Jewish
literature and speculation6.
The uniqueness of “Logos” at the Gospel of John
in the beginning
the author of synoptic gospel begin their writings? Matthew started
with the genealogy of Jesus. Mark began with the quotation of the
prophet Isaiah, and Luke started with formal introduction of his work
and the purpose of his writing. The writer of the book of John
started with “In the beginning was the Word (logos)”. The writer
of the Gospel of John started with even far more before the creation,
the origins of everything: Logos (the Word of God).
word “in the beginning..” reminds us about the account of
creation. Logos is the wisdom resources of the creation. Everything
from nothing become being and something. By Words, God created all
things in the creation. Logos is the resource of rationale,
intellectual of why and how everything exist in this world. This is
consistent with what Paul said in Colossians 1:15-17, Christ is
firstborn over all creation, by Him and for Him all things was
created, He is before all things and in Him all things hold together.
This thought is also congruent with the account story of creation
(Gen 1:1) “In
the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.”
Christ was
there before and on the time of creation account, He was eternally
with God and He is God.
was with God and Christ is God (1:1)
Gospel of John open his writing with the magnificent identity of
Christ. In his Gospel, John affirms Jesus pre-existence, His
personality and His divinity. He shares God's eternity. He was
eternally with God and He is one with God7.
The term “with God” here means that “The Word” is distinct
from God but enjoying a personal relationship with Him8.
verse describes about equal relationship between the Father and the
Son. Logos has eternal personality. Logos regarded as living,
intelligent and active personality9.
Logos is deity and identical in essence with God10
, He possessed and eternally manifested the very nature of God11.
In this Gospel, the author introduce the concept of equality and
unity between God the Father and the Son.
is the Incarnate Word (1:14)
phrase “the Word (Logos) became flesh” is one of the hardest and
difficult statement to be understand in this chapter. God who is
unlimited incarnated to the limited world. He entered humanity in the
flesh. He expressed Himself in a human personality that was visible,
audible, and tangible12.
Flesh is used here in the sense of physical life, human nature13.
Christ's incarnation is the ultimate God's salvation act to save His
people from sin.
who is invisible, entered human world and became visible to men. God
who by Himself created all the universe, heaven and earth, incarnated
into human likeness to save the fallen world. God manifested Himself
and lived among His own people. This is a picture of a deep, majestic
love of God who humble Himself taking
the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness (Phil
2:6-8). This also becomes one of the message proclaimed in John 3:16
God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that
whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
made His dwelling (tabernacle) with us, God is Immanuel.
readers of this Gospel could be range of Gentiles and Jews who would
grasp at least some measure of the understanding of this worldview
.The glimpse of the meaning of Logos can be sensed by the readers as
a contact point before they enter to read the whole Gospel of Jesus
Christ, the Son of God. The writer of this Gospel opening his writing
with a wonderful meaning of Logos. He expound the greatest message
and mystery in human history : the Incarnation of Christ. All things
are centered in Christ. All human history, culture, philosophy are
centered to Christ.
author used of the term Logos is a magnificent idea of introducing
Jesus Christ as supreme above all things, resource and creator of all
things in the context of Greek philosophy influence. Christ is the
reason why everything exist, He is the wisdom to reveal all the
mystery, He is eternal, He created all things, He is God. Christ is
the answer for what the world looking for: the reason behind all
things. This Gospel becomes a message of 'to know who is Jesus' for
the Jews and Gentiles who live in their context that day, so that
they can believe and have life in His name.
- Tobin, Thomas H., “Logos”, The Anchor Bible Dictionary Vol 4, ed. David N Freedman (New York: Doubleday)
- Hunter, A.M, The Cambridge Bible Commentary: The Gospel According to John (London: Cambridge University Press, 1965)
- Milne, Bruce., Bible Speak Today : The Message of John (Leicester:Intervarsity-Press, 1993)
- Carson, D.A., The Gospel According to John (Leicester: Inter-Varsity Press, 1991)
- Tenney, Merrill C., John : The Gospel of Belief (Grand Rapids: Eerdsman Publishing, 1997)
- Kent Jr, Homer A., Light in the Darkness: Studies in the Gospel of John (Grand Rapids: Baker Book House Company, 1974)
H. Tobin, “Logos”, The Anchor Bible Dictionary Vol 4, ed.
David N Freedman (New York: Doubleday), p.348
p. 348
Hunter, The Cambridge Bible Commentary: The Gospel According to
John (London: Cambridge University Press, 1965), p.16
op.cit, p. 350
op.cit, p.16
op.cit., p. 350
Milne, Bible Speak Today : The Message of John
(Leicester:Intervarsity-Press, 1993), p. 32-34
Carson, The Gospel According to John (Leicester:
Inter-Varsity Press, 1991), p 117
C Tenney, John : The Gospel of Belief (Grand
Rapids: Eerdsman Publishing, 1997), p.64
A. Kent Jr, Light in the Darkness: Studies in the Gospel of John
(Grand Rapids: Baker Book House Company, 1974), p. 26
op.cit., p.65
Jr, op.cit., p.26