Reflection Paper on the Book of Philipians

Reflection Paper on the Book of Philipians
Name : Naomi Fortuna

What are the key verses? Why?
Key verse 1 “Now I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that what has happened to me has actually served to advance the gospel.” Phil 1:12

Paul's Situation
How we still can rejoice in difficult situation? There are many reasons for Paul and the Philippians have a difficult time to rejoice because of the situation they faced internal and external circumstances.
He saw the positive impact of his circumstance in the prison. His affairs of imprisontment gave progress for the gospel of Christ. At least two implication of his imprisontment to the advance of the gospel. First, the whole palace guard and everyone else clearly know that he is in chains for Christ. Second, most of brothers and sisters became confident in the Lord and dare to preach the gospel boldly. He accepted and are not to be ashamed of his suffering in chains. He sees from a different perspective about his suffering.
I think Paul also sees from a different perspective about people who try to preach the gospel from impure motives to make him distress. Instead of troubled by this impure motives, Paul rejoices because the most important thing for Paul is Christ is preached. He also confidence about his deliverance, even that the final result is death or life, he still rejoices. Because for him to live is Christ and to die is gain.
From these three circumstances we can learn that for Paul, he can see far beyond the circumstances that he faced. Paul sees from a different perspective. He sees that Christ is the central reason for all the circumstances he faced. He rejoiced when he sees that all the things that happen to him gave the positive impact for the advance of the gospel. This is the reason why he could rejoice in a difficult situation.

Key Verse 2 “Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in the one Spirit, striving together as one for the faith of the gospel” Phil 1: 27

The situation and the needs of the church
The church of Philipians confront by eksternal problems from the opposition and this caused suffering for them (1:28, 29). Other problem they face is the false teachers who are described by Paul as “dogs”, “evildoers”, “mutilators of the flesh”. The false teachers put confidence on the flesh (3:2). Another challenge they encounter is many people live as enemies of the cross of Christ (3:18). At least these circumstances from outside faced by the church and Paul wrote this letter as a safeguard for them to encounter these condition.
Internal problems faced by the church of Philippians are the problem of unity. Paul reminds the church “Do everything without grumbling or arguing” (Phil 2:14) and “I plead with Euodia and I plead with Syntyche to be of the same mind in the Lord.” (Phil 4:2). Grumbling and arguing can be caused by the problem of not having the same mind or thinking about anything. This is why Paul emphasized the unity in Christ which is follow the example of the humility of Christ.
Unity in Christ (being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind) is needed to encounter the pressure from the oposition, the false teachers and the problem of dispute on the church. The example of Christ who humbles Himself become nothing is very crucial doctrine for the church. The character of humility will foster the unity in the church.
Beside the example of Christ, Paul also gives examples from the life of his fellow workers. He mentioned about Timothy who shows genuine concern for the church's welfare and the one who looks for the interest of Jesus Christ in the work of the Gospel. Paul also mentions about Epaphroditus, who almost died for the work of Christ. And at last, he shares about his own life which consider everything a loss to gain the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus. Christ is the central in the examples of their life. Their life are the examples of what they have teach to the church : “They lived their life in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ” and “ They stand firm in one Spirit, striving together as one for the faith of the gospel”.

Key Verse 3 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”Phil 3:6-8

The key for a joyful life in Christ
In every situation in life, good time or bad time, prayer is the key to have a peaceful and joyful life in Christ. Peace of God which will guard the heart and the mind of God's people in Christ Jesus in every and any situation. Do not be anxious because God takes control of everything. Another key is the positive perspective to see Christ beyond all the circumstances, Christ as the central of everything. This two perspectives will help us to endure hardship, difficulties, suffering, oppositions, false teachers, internal conflicts and dispute, even when death is in front of us. Christ is the foundation that will help us to be able to endure and handle any and every situation in our life, bad or good.
The serenity we have in the difficult time comes from the knowledge of God. Difficult circumstances can make us stumble or fall. But difficult situation is also opprotunity to learn about God, about God's sufficiency. How we deal with difficult condition? We will not allow difficult condition or circumstances dictate us, because we are not slave to the circumstances. We direct our life above what ever the situation happen in our life.
2. What evidence is there in this letter for believing that Paul enjoyed a warm and positive relations with the Philippian Christians?
The first evidence is that Paul remembers the Philippian Christians in his prayer. When he remembered the church in prayer, he pray with joy and delight (1:3-4). This implies that he frequently remembers about the church, the feeling that enters his mind is primarily one of thanksgiving to God because of the church1. Not only give thanks for the church, Paul also make a prayer for the church of the quality of their love, discernment and fruit of righteousness to glorify God.
The second evidence is that Paul loves and longs for them. In Philippian 1:7-8, Paul assured the warm affection he has for them, and his longing to be reunited with the church is so great that he yearns for them with the love of Christ Himself2. Paul addressed the church as “you whom I love and long for, my joy and crown, …. dear friends!” (Phil 4:1), which describe of his affection and love to the church.
The third evidence is that Paul wrote this letter as their safeguard, to keep them stand firm in the midst of internal and external problem they faced (3:1). As we know that the church confront with opponent and false teachers, Paul wrote this letter as a safe guard for the church from the danger. He wrote them so that they can be strong, stand firm, united and have a joyful in Christ in the midst of troubles as true followers of Christ.--- pastoral concern for the Philipians.
The fourth evidence is that the church prays for him and shares God's grace with him while he was in his suffering and troubles. The Philippian church have a deep concern about the welfare of Paul. The church showed their generousity by sending gift to support Paul while he was in the prison.Phil 4:4, 10 stated that “ to share in my troubles” and “ renewed your concern for me”.

3. To what extent is the letter relevant to the church situation in your home country
I want to read the book of Philipians in the context of the churches in Indonesia by focus on the theme “stand firm and rejoice in the suffering”. Indonesia's churches faced many problems from internal and external. One of the most crucial internal problem is the problem of unity, and the crucial external problem is the opposition from people from other religious background who have radical teaching. The question is “what Indonesia's churches must do to face this circumstance?” In the book of Philippians, the church also faced the problem of dispute, oppositions and false teachings. The principles on this book can help the church on facing the similar circumstances.

The problem of disunity and oppositions to the churches of in Indonesia
Indonesia's church have the problem of unity. Indonesia is a big country with multiculture and multiethnics. In the churches we will find a lot of denominations and most of the denominations will claim that their teaching is better than others. The leaders also sometimes grumbling or arguing and do not have the same mind, purpose and perspective about many things in Christianity that makes dispute in the body of Christ. The disunity made the body of Christ in Indonesia do not have a strong power to resist. We are easy to be pressed, frightened and attacked by the oppositions. For example, at 2010 the accumulation of the churches being closed reached more than 2.442 churches3, which has connection with the radical Muslim influence. And last year a church which has been closed down held their weekly Sunday service in front of the President palace to launch their protest to the government, but the government does not give any positive reaction.
In my local church, we have difficulty to build our church. Because of the number of the church member increase to be more than 3000 people, our church plan to build a new building. But to build that building we need to get permission from the surrounding communities and the government office. But some of the surrounding community refuse to sign the letter of acceptance and reject the building plan. Because of this condition, my church held 6 times Sunday service every week and we also have some problem of complaining by the community about the parking area, vehicles, and the noise of service from the church. But by prayer and soft approach by our elders to the community, finally they can undertand. But the people still refuse to sign the permit to build the new church building.
The first we learn from the example of Jesus Christ on Phil 2:1-10. Unity is needed to face oppositions. Without unity, the church will be easily to be attacked from outside. But the problem of unity is the same in mind, the same spirit and the same purpose. To be united will need humility to consider other better than our selves. Christ is the example of humility.

About the gift to the church or organizations
Recently, we have a case of pastors of a mega church in Surabaya, East Java, who was reported by the elders for suspecting peculation of church's money about 470 million SGD. And the case now being processed by the police. I think the integrity of the church leader of how they used the church's money is need to be responsible and transparant.
In my organization in Perkantas (regional Jogjakarta) we try to be transparant on reporting all the finance of our organizations. Every month all the data of the donators and all the data of the expenses of the organizations will be reported to the donators and alumnae. And together with the report of the ministry and the finance, we also send letter of thanks to the donators. But we also experiencing the time when the financial of the ministry was not in good condition. I remember when several months of my work as a new staff worker I knew that we must postpone the staff salary because we did not have enough money to pay the staff salary at the end of the month. At that time I realized the consequences of being a staff worker and I must be ready for all the circumstances. But thanks God that we see as we grew more and more in responsibility and transparancy of the stewardship of the finance, we saw how God blessed and gave sufficiency and stability in the ministry.
On his letter (Phil 4:10-20), Paul mention about the gift from the church to support his ministry. Paul is being transparant about his condition, wrote to the church about his circumatsnces and give thanks for the gift from the church. Above all things, Paul was not looking for the gift, but for what may be credited to the church account4. The relationship with the Philippians church is more important for Paul than the gift they gave. The concern here is about how to foster the love and share in anyone's trouble, help each other, as brothers and sisters in Christ. We need to see that the relation, the love, the concern, and the growth in good relationship is far more precious than the amount of money. Our task today in our ministry is to follow Paul's example of fostering the good and grow relationship between all the members of the church, to build the unity and sense of belonging in the body of Christ.

1Howard Marshall, The epistle to the PHILIPPIANS, (London: Epworth Press: 1992). p 7
2Peter T. O'Brien, Commentary on Philippians, (Grand Raphids: The Paternoster Press: 1991). p 65-66
3Victor Silaen, “Sesat oleh Menteri Agama”, Tempo Newspaper, 11 April 2013

4Phil 4:17

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