Letters to Philemon
Paper of Paul's Letter to Philemon
Name :
Naomi Fortuna
- My Pre-Understanding of the text
my preunderstanding of the text, I heard some sermon which talk about
a slave whose name is Onesimus run away from his master and become
Christian because of Paul's ministry in the prison. The letter of
Philemon pictures out about the relationship between a Christian
master and a Christian slave (especially in the context of a run away
slave and forgiveness from a master to a slave).
this exegese paper, I try to reconstruct the problem behind the
letter by reading this text by study the words, find the support from
other Paul's writings especially his teaching related to the relation
between master and slave (Collosians, Galatian). I also try to search
the data about slavery in NT (and just a small portion of OT), and
compare this data with the context of slavery in first century
Roman's society world.
- Type of the Genre and Outline of the Letter to Philemon
of Genre
book of philemon is a personal open letter from Paul and Timothy,
addressed to the family of Philemon (Philemon, Apphia and Archippus)
and the church that meets at their homes.
of the letter
- (1-3) Opening Greetings
- (4-7) Thanks Giving and Prayer
- (8-22) Paul’s requests to Philemon
- (8-16) Appeal to accept Onesimus no longer as a slave but a brother in Christ
- (17-21) Paul will take the responsibility for Onesimus’ wrong doing
- (22) Another request
- (23-25) Closing Greetings and Benediction
- Literary Context
about Master and Slave relationship
can find about Paul's thinking of the slavery institution in his
writing to the churches. The similarities that we found in his
writing is he exhorts the slaves to be obedient to their masters.
The spread of God's word at that time produce influx number of people
of "pagan" converts1.
I think there is a high probability that numbers of slaves converted
because in most of Paul's letter (Collosians, Ephesians, Corinthians,
Galatians and his personal letter to Philemon, Titus and Timothy) he
speaks about the relation between slave and master after they became
Christians. I think this topic is one of important issues at that
time so that Paul mentioned about it in his letters to the churches.
his writings Paul describes of some similar qualities required for a
Christian servant : obedient to their master with fear and
trembling, in singleness of their heart, as unto Christ; doing
service with good will, as to the Lord, and not to men (Eph 6:5-9);
serving not with eye service, fearing God (Col 3:22-25). Paul also
asked the Christian master to have the same attitude. In his letter
to Timothy (1Ti_6:1-2) Paul teaches that the slaves should count
their own masters worthy of all honor,
so that the name and teaching of God may not be blasphemed. For
slaves who work for Christian master, Paul reminded them not to
despise their
but rather to serve them in good service in love. In his letter to
Titus (Ti 2:9-10), Paul teaches that slave should be subject to their
own masters, well-pleasing in all things,
not speaking against them,
not stealing, but showing all good faith, that they may adorn the
doctrine of our Savior God in all things.
new in Paul's concept about the relation is to unite this different
class or social divisions to become one in Christ.
the book of Galatian he wrote
Gal_3:28 "..
there is no slave nor freeman…;
you are all one in Christ Jesus.
And to Colossians he wrote Col
"where there is no …
slave or freeman, but
Christ is all things and in all."
in Corinthian
also we all were baptized by one Spirit
into one body, …whether
slaves or free" Christian
formed contrast communities. Master and slaves were expected to pray
together and sit down in the same table as equal. But still this
contrast community needs order to live out the meaning of freedom and
redemption in Christ.
his letter to Corinthians, Paul reminds
the church to abide the same calling where in he was called,
including for Christians who are slave. Paul was not attack the
institution of slavery, but within Christian assemblies slaves held
equal status .
in the Gospels and Acts
used the
relation between
servant and master in his parables and teachings.
We can find it on the parable about unmerciful servant (teaching
about forgiveness).
parable of the talent (about the faithful and the wicked servants
who entrusted the property of their master),
Mat 18:21-35, the parable of the tenant Mat 25:14-30,
parable of the great banquet Mark 12:1-12,
see of a punishment give by the master to an unwatchful servant
Luk 12:47,
duty of a slave
of servitude
parable Luk
. Jesus
used the word slave of sin for describing someone who practicing sin
and bondage by sin
About the different level of slave and master (Mat_10:24, John 13:16,
John 15:20),
institution of slave/servant-master in Jesus time is common in the
community. Mark 14:47 & 69 informs us that the high priest at
that time has servants
work for him. The slave woman of highpriest, who talked with Peter at
the night Jesus arrested, worked as a door keeper (John 18:17). A
Roman centurion, who has a sick servant and ready to die, beseech
Jesus to heal his servant who is dear to him (Luk 7:1-10). Luke in
the book of Acts mentioned that Cornelius, a Roman centurion on
Caesarea has servants for his household (Act 10:7).
in Old Testament
the Genesis we can find the word "slave" in 52
verses (LIT Version), and "slaves" in 19 verses in Genesis.
The use of this words in Genesis is more frequent than of other books
in the OT. The
institution of slavery, servant/bondman-master relationship is
already established a long time ago in human history. The first used
of the word "slave or servant" in the OT is when Noah
cursed Canaan because of what Ham, the father of Canaan, did to him
he said, Cursed be
Canaan. He shall be a slave of slaves to his brothers. "
Law in OT protected the right of slaves: punished the master who put
him to death, provided liberation of the slave whose master maimed
him or chased him away with blows, or slave who natoriously ill-used.
- Historical-Cultural Context
in Roman World
Romans world a Roman matron asking “Is a slave a man?”, because
slave belonged to the class of things2.
Technically Roman slaves were the property, the chattels, of their
owners, held in a state of total subjection3.
Varo's word: “a kind of tool that can speak”. Romans treat their
slave cruelty. To scecth the image of slavery at Roman's time we can
see from what Keith
stated in BBC history4
who fought against Rome knew that they could be sent to the
slave-market if taken as a prisoner-of-war. They are often said to
have killed themselves rather than face the prospect of enslavement -
a clear indictment of the horrors involved in the sudden transition
from freedom to slavery. Images of the vanquished committing suicide
are still visible on the Column of Trajan in Rome."
people come to slavery? People come to slavery because of many
reason. Some of them are war captives, offspring slaves to adulthood,
unwanted birth of free person, vulnerable people who are kidnapped by
bandits and pirates. A Roman citizen could not sell himself into
slavery, but some one could "contract" himself to become a
for a limited time,
giving up his rights as a free man in return of money5.
was the central task of a slave. They must be available at all times
and had to labor subjet to the master's will. If the slaves get
violence from their masters, they can take refuge in a temple or at a
divine statue, using the ancient right of asylum as a protection
againts their abusive master. The punishment of a
slave by magisterial judgements can
be crucifixion,
burning alive, or
torn apart in the arena by wild beast.6
Away Slave
free from the burden and violation caused by slavery, the thinking of
runaway from their master is frequently in the slaves thought.
This is what slaves did think and do in large numbers. The main cause
is abuse (escaping from a beating or other abuse from the master of
fellow slaves) 7.
If a slave is run away, it was easy for them to blend into the
population while attempting to escape detection8
But they will face slave-catchers, Roman's hired professional to
hunt down runaways, so slaves on the run were always in danger and if
caught could be savagely punished9.
Most run away slaves are young men between the age of sixteen to
thirty five10
punishment for the runaway varies from
put to death, misery,
great difficulties when
they shipped back to
their master. On the run, life can be hard ordisastrous for the
runaway: he could be died (burning or by knife) in his flight, having
his hands or feet cut off, or crucified alive, or drowning to the
sea. This possibilities will be in their thinking when they take the
radical step of runaway from their master.
5. Content of The Letter
(1-3) Opening Greetings
of the letter
letter is a short personal letter from Paul and Timothy. The way that
Paul identified himself, he used the word "a prisoner of Jesus
Christ". This is the only one letter that in his greeting he
used the term "a prisoner of Christ" to identify himself. A
prisoner of Christ means that someone bound or a captive for the sake
of Christ. Mostly in Paul's letter greetings, he used the term
"apostle". Only in his letter to Philippians, I & II
Thessalonicans and Philemon, Paul also did
not use the
word "apostle". In other personal letter as the letter to
Timothy and Titus, Paul used his office of "apostle" in his
in this letter identified as "our brother". Timothy is
Paul's co-worker. Paul wrote some letters together with Timothy as II
Corinthians, Philippians, Colossians, I & II Thessalonicans. In
his personal letter to Timothy, Paul greet him as "my true son
in the faith" and "my dear son". In his letter to the
Philippians, Paul testified about Timothy as the only reliable man to
him that have genuine interest to the Philipians church. From this
letter, there is possibility that Philemon, Apphia, Archippus and the
church of their house also know Timothy as Paul's co-worker.
written the letter
is a probability that the letter to Philemon is written by Paul in
Rome. In Acts 28: 20, he was in the prison at Rome. Paul stated to
the leaders of the Jews the reason of his chain is because of the
hope of Israel. Acts 28:30 describes for us that for the whole two
years Paul stayed at his own rented house and welcomed all who came
to see him.
possibility that this letter written in Rome supported by the
information from this letter that Paul met Onesimus and became Paul's
son in Christ while he was in chains. The condition of his
imprisontment in Acts 28:30 gave Paul opportunity to listen to
Onesimus life story and build the relation so that Onesimus become
useful for him in the work of the gospel.
of the Letter
name of Philemon and Apphia is only mention here in this letter. We
can not find their name on other Paul's letter. The name of Archippus
mentioned by Paul in the book of Colossians
. This
means that Archippus is one of the members of the church of Colosse.
The name of Onesimus also mentioned by Paul in his letter Colossians.
Paul adressed Onesimus as "one
of you",
the same as the he addressed to Epaphras in his letter to Colossians
Onesimus in this letter has a task together with Tychicus to speak
about all things which happen to Paul to the church (Col
) .
this letter, we have the probability that Philemon, Apphia and
Archippus is one family. Philemon and Apphia is husband and wife, and
Archippus is their son. These three names mentioned in unity as the
recipients of this letter together with the church that meets at
their home
out of a family who open their house as a home for the church to meet
and worship regularly.
the book of Romans Paul greet Priscilla and Aquilla and the church
that meets at their house (Roman 16:3-5; I Cor 16:19). In the letter
of Collosians we also find other name who has church in his house
the brethren which are in Laodicea, and Nymphas, and the church which
is in his house." Col_4:15
. The house churches have important role for the growth of
Christianity at that time.
(4-7) Thanks Giving and Prayer
his thanksgiving and prayer for Philemon, we know that Paul was
informed about Philemon's love and faith. Philemon's love have
refreshed the hearts of the Lord's people. This term "refreshed
the heart" repeated by Paul on verse 20. As the leader of the
church, Philemon opened his house for the church meeting and he
showed his love and shared good things toward the saints which
refresh the people of God.
(8-22) Paul’s requests to Philemon for Onesimus
(8-16) Appeal
to accept Onesimus no longer as a slave but as a brother in Christ
- Paul does not to use authority but appeal on the basis of love
has authority to give command to Philemon about what is proper. The
reason why Paul is ought to do that is because they are partner,
fellow worker in the work of the gospel and Philemon owe his very
self to Paul.
Paul did not use his authority. He prefer to appeal on the basis of
love. He identified himself as an old man. This is the only letter
that Paul sees himself as an aged man. He combined the words "old
man" and "prisoner of Jesus Christ" to describe his
condition. Why he used this terms? The posibility is this describes
about his weak physically condition because of age and the chains
which will limit his access and mobility. And the help from Onesimus
is useful to ease his condition.
- Who is Onesimus?
this verse we also informed about the former condition of Onesimus
which is "useless" (NIV), or "unprofitable" (KJV)
for Philemon. But now Onesimus become "useful" or
"profitable" both to Paul and Philemon. The name of
Onesimus in Greek Ŏnēsimos
this letter Paul called Onesimus as "my son" (my child-
ESV), "my very heart" which describe of his very close
relation to Onesimus. On all of Paul's letters, not all of his fellow
workers he addressed with father-son relationship. Paul used the
term "my dearly beloved son" addressed to Timothy and "my
own son" to Titus.
Onesimus have different ethnic from Philemon? How did Onesimus
become a slave? Probably yes
he has a different ethnicity with Philemon,
Roman citizen could not sell himself into slavery. From some
literatures we know that the main source of ancient slaves are from
warfare, piracy, bridgandage, the international slave trade,
kidnapping, infant exposure, natural reproduction of the exixting
slave population and the punishment of criminals12.
Some of slaves has education background which enhancing their
For example, Phlegon of Tralles, who wrote history and other matters
during the time of emperor Hadrian14.
his letter to the Collosians we know that Onesimus was being sent to
the Collosians together with Tychicus to tell about everything that
to Paul
in prison.
This means that Onesimus knows about all the recent news about Paul,
and he is reliable to tell what was. From this account, I guess that
Onesimus is an educated slave who is reliable to do this important
task from Paul. Paul set Onesimus' name together with Tychicus,
Paul's fellow worker. In Paul's letters we are informed that Tychicus
is one of Paul's reliable person to speak about his condition to the
church (Act 20:4, Eph 6:21, Col 4:7, II Tim 4:12, Tit 3:12).
- What is Onesimus Problem?
this letter we are
informed that Onesimus is separated for a while with Philemon. How a
slave can separate from his master? Are there any possibility that
Onesimus run away from Philemon? What is the reason of a slave run
away from his master? The phrase "separated
from you for a little while"
means not a long time. Some of the translation use "a short
time" (GNB), "for a while" (NKJV), and "for a
little while" (NLT). I guess that the incident was happen not
very long time ago, but it is near. I guess that the church was
already established in the house of Philemon so that the church's
members know about all the story.
this letter we identified the probability that Onesimus has done
something wrong to Philemon which made him runaway from Philemon
house. before which made Paul wrote this letter to reconcile the
problem. Some translations use : "he
has wronged you"
(NASB, NKJV, ESV) or "If
he damaged anything"
(The Message). Another
you anything"
is used by most of the translations. We find here that Onesimus has a
problem with Philemon, and this problem is a serious problem that
make he decide to runaway from Philemon. To take a decision to
runaway at that time was a radical step which has a lot of
consequences that could threaten his life.
possibilities are that he damaged Philemon's property or he steal
money or precious property of Philemon. If Onesimus knows that
Philemon is a good person, loveable and friendly, he will also know
that Philemon will give forgive his fault (damage things, etc). So I
think the possibility is that he take something from Philemon's house
(for his own benefit) and runaway from Philemon's house. If
he met Paul in Rome, it means that he had runaway to Rome from the
city of Colossae (Philemon’s place). Theft
was a constant possibility and endemic in the society at that time15.
To take the risky and harmful decision to
Onesimus possibly could be steal a large number of money or precious
possessions of Philemon.
- Paul appeal Philemon to forgive Onesimus
are three conditions that Paul asked Philemon to accept Onesimus
back: as a
dear brother, as a fellow man, and welcome
him as
you would welcome Paul. This
concept is a very radical concept at that time. And slave has no
right as a person infront of law, they belong to a class of things in
the society at that time.
the practice of Christianity at that time is counter culture and
explicitly reversed the Rome's policy. In Galatian 3:27-28 "There
cannot be Jew nor Greek, there is no slave nor freeman, there is no
male and female; for
you are all one in Christ Jesus.
" Christianity
formed a counter culture community which unite
ethnic/cultural/religious group, social/class division, gender
this book Paul even more radical with asking of forgiveness from
Philemon to a runaway slave who has done something wrong. Good News
Bible translate this verse Phil 1:16 "And
now he
is not just a slave,
but much more than a slave: he is a dear brother in Christ. How much
he means to me! And how much more he will mean to you, both as a
slave and as a brother in the Lord!".
NKJV translates it "no
longer as a slave but more than a slave—a beloved brother,
especially to me but how much more to you, both in the flesh and in
the Lord."
this verse we can interpret that, Philemon is asked by Paul to
forgive Onesimus, receive him back forever. The probability from this
verse is that Paul accept Onesimus back as a slave, but with the
transformation of relationship between them not as slave master
relationship but as brothers in the Lord. The institution of slavery
is still on its place with all the responsibilities within but the
relations between master and slave become change with Christian
brotherhood relationship. This will impact the way Philemon treat
Onesimus, and impact the respect and subjection that Onesimus gives
to Philemon. This also consistent with Paul's teaching about slavery
in Collosians,
Ephesians, Corinthians, Galatians and his personal letter to
Philemon, Titus and Timothy.
- The redeeming action : "I will pay it back”
also stated that "I
will pay it back—not
to mention that you
owe me your very self.
" (NIV), "I will
repay it.
I won’t
mention that you owe me your very soul!"
take the responsibility of the fault that Onesimus has made. The
phrase that he used "charge
it to me",
means that he takes the redeeming action to release Onesimus from his
debts to Philemon. This remind us to the work of Jesus Christ who
reconciled us from the wrath of God caused by our sin. The word
used of the divine work of redemption, denoting that act of
redemption insofar as God Himself, by taking upon Himself our sin and
becoming an atonement17.
is the concept of reconciliation and forgiveness : the need of some
one who does whatever it takes to redeem (buy back or by exchange)
something or someone to establish a peaceful condition.
In this letter Paul gives the example of this work of reconciliation
which he has been
the example of Christ.
the word redeem (redeemer is sometimes translated "kinsman
redeemer") means an act of defence of another member of their
own family who had been wronged or was facing some danger or threat18.
It is used for the acts of bringing a murderer into justice, helping
a family member out of debt of slavery, and keeping a brother's
family name alive19.
In Eph 1:7, I Pet 1:18-20, we have our redemption through Jesus
blood, He forgives our sins. Jesus is the ransom, by his precious
blood He redeem us from our bondage and debt of sin and reconciled
our relationship with God the Father.
Paul said "welcome
him as you would welcome me",
I am interpret it that when Onesimus comes to Philemon, Philemon sees
Paul in Onesimus and all the assurance that Paul gives that all his
fault is already paid. This is also a reflection of how the Father
accepted us by the redemption work of Christ, God sees Christ His Son
in us. He will not punish us of all our sin but reconcile with us
because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ,
His Son isH.
Another request: "prepare
a guest room for me...”
this time Paul was still waiting for the result process of his case
whether he will be released from
prison or
punished by the Roman's government. In this letter we see the
positive confidence of Paul that he will be released from his
chains. He said "Prepare
a guest room for me, because I hope to be restored to you in answer
to your prayers."
(Philemon 1:22).
There is possibility that his case is clearer that he will be
released. This
is close to what Paul said to the church of Philippians
"for I know that through your prayers and God’s provision of
the Spirit of Jesus Christ what has happened to me will turn out for
my deliverance." (Phil
1:19). But in the letter of Philippians we know that the end of his
case by Roman's government at that time
still not clear. It could be
death or life (Phil 1:20-26).
- (23-25) Closing Greetings and Benediction
of the the five names mentioned in this letter can be found in Paul's
letter to Collosians (4:10-12). Paul called Epaphras "fellow
servant, a faithful minister of Christ" and he always prays for
colossians church that they will grow mature in spirituality"
(Col 1:17, 4:12). In the letter to Philemon, Paul called Epaphras as
"fellowprisoner in Christ Jesus". About Mark, Paul said
that Mark is Barnabas' cousin (Col 4:10) and
he is very useful for the ministry (II
Tim 4:11).
Paul's letter to Collosians we know that Luke is a physician, and in
II Tim 4:11, Luke
is the only one who stay with Paul when some of his fellow workers is
gone. In this letter and the letter to Colossians, Paul greets Demas
as a fellow worker. But in his second letter to Timothy we know that
Demas deserted Paul and gone to Thessalonica because he loves the
things of this present world (II Tim 4:10). This implies that Paul
wrote his second letter to Timothy later than he wrote to Philemon.
find that some of the people which Paul greets at this three letters
(Philemon, Collosians and II Timothy) are similar. Three names at
least mention in this three letter : Mark, Demas and Luke.
- Summary & Conclusion
theme of this letter is "forgiveness" and "reconciliation".
Paul does whatever it takes to redeem (buy back or by exchange)
Onesimus, a run away slave, to reconcile the broken relation between
Philemon and Onesimus.
the problem and the solution
this letter we try to reconstruct the problem behind this letter and
find some probabilities inside:
- Onesimus is a slave of Philemon
- Onesimus was separated (departed, go away) from Philemon.
- The slave has no freedom to be departed from his master. This implies that Onesimus has been run away from Philemon
- Onesimus , as a slave, has done something wrong to Philemon, his master
- because he is run away
- because he owe or debt something from Philemon's family
- Onesimus has obligation to pay it back to Philemon of what he has done
- Paul met Onesimus in the prison
- This prison is in Rome where Paul can meet people in the house he rent, Onesimus meets Paul in this prison
- Onesimus become Christian under Paul's ministry while Paul was in chains
- Not only he becomes a believer and a disciple of Paul, Onesimus becomes very dear to Paul
- Onesimus helps Paul while he was in chains
- There is transformation in Onesimus life from "useless/unprofitable" become "useful/profitable"
- in his letter to collosians Paul stated onesimus as
- "a faithful and beloved brother", "one of you"
- Together with Tychicus, they shall make known unto the churches all things which are done in the prison.
- Paul's relation to Philemon
- Paul and Timothy know the family members
- Philemon is Paul's partner in the ministry-fellow worker
- Paul has spiritual authority to order Philemon what he ought to do...."Confident of your obedience, knowing that you will do even more than I ask"
- Philemon is converted in the ministry of Paul "take your place in helping me"...."not to mention that you owe me your very self." ..
- Paul is confident that he will be release from prison "Prepare a guest room for me,"
- Paul appeals for reconciled relationship
- transformation relation from slave master relation to eternal brotherhood relations. "have him back forever"...'no longer as a slave, but as a dear brother" "as a fellow man and as a brother in the Lord."
- "welcome him as you would welcome me"
- Paul involved the concern of the community of believers (the church) toward this problem
- The meaning of Forgiveness & Reconciliation
- Forgive something wrong someone did in the past
- Philemon has authority to punish according to Roman law-but he has to put aside his right and forgive Philemon even to respect him as a dear brother
- Application
- The meaning of forgiveness and reconciliation in the ministry
Christian ministry we see the conflict within the church. Someone
said that whereever the church established, there will be conflict.
From this letter we learn that in the midst of conflict we need
people who do the work of reconciliation. We need some one who suffer
whatever it takes to redeem (buy back or by exchange) something or
someone to establish a peaceful condition.
people of God, we are called to response to God's way of redemption
to live a redemptive life in our daily life. In this letter, the case
of conflict between Philemon and Onesimus, Paul gives us example of
live a redemptive living in daily life. In our daily life, may be we
face a conflict with our friends, etc. Or we also face that some one
that a long time ago make a fault or wrong doing in our life. From
this letter we learn that SomeOne already stand there to reconcile us
and pay the debts. The same thing I think Jesus Christ will said this
to us when some one need our forgiveness "If he has done you any
wrong or
you anything, charge
it to Me....
will pay it back—
owe me your very self to Me.".
So, forgiveness is a possible way, not impossible! Forgive your
brother or sister in Christ who hurt you, see Jesus who stand between
you and them..
- Christopher Wright, Mission of God's People, (Grand Raphid: Zondervan, 2010)
- Henri Daniel-Rops, Daily Life in the Time of Jesus, (Michigan: Servant Books, 1962),
- Professor Keith Bradley, BBC History, 2011. http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/ancient/romans/slavery_01.shtml
- Robert Knapp, Invisible Roman, (London: Profile Book LTD, 2011)
- Margareth EW-Cleveland, Encyclopedia of Slave Resistance and Rebellion: A-N. Ed Junius P Rodriguez,(Greenwood Publishing Group, 2007)
- Spiros Zodhiates, The Complete Word Study New Testament (Chattanooga: AMG publisher, 1992)
- J.A Harrill, Dictionary of NT Background, ed. Craig A. Evans & Stanley E Porter (Downers Grove:Intervarsity Press, 2000)
- S.S Bartchy, Dictionary of the Later NT and Its Development, ed. Ralph P Martin, Peter H Davids ( Downers Grove:Intervarsity Press, 1997)
- John M Prior, Integration, Isolation or Deviation: Reading Galatians 3:27-28 in Indonesia Today, Mission Studies 27 (2010)Footnote:
Wright, Mission of God's People, (Grand Raphid:
Zondervan, 2010) p.36.
Daniel-Rops, Daily Life in the Time of Jesus,
(Michigan: Servant Books, 1962), p. 140
Keith Bradley, BBC History,
Knapp, Invisible Roman, (London: Profile Book LTD, 2011) p.132
op. cit.
10Margareth EW-Cleveland, Encyclopedia of Slave Resistance and Rebellion: A-N. Ed Junius P Rodriguez,(Greenwood Publishing Group, 2007), p.259.
Zodhiates, The Complete
Word Study
New Testament
(Chattanooga: AMG publisher, 1992),
p. 52 (study helps)
Harrill, Dictionary of NT Background, ed. Craig A. Evans &
Stanley E Porter (Downers Grove:Intervarsity Press, 2000) p. 1125
Bartchy, Dictionary of the Later NT and
Its Development,
ed. Ralph P Martin, Peter H Davids (
Downers Grove:Intervarsity Press, 1997) p. 1098
Knapp, op. cit.,
p. 127
Knapp, op. cit.,
M Prior, Integration, Isolation or Deviation: Reading
Galatians 3:27-28 in Indonesia Today, Mission Studies 27 (2010),
p 71-90.
Zodhiates, op. cit.,
p. 913
Wright, op. cit.,