
Menampilkan postingan dari Juni, 2013

Self Centered Life

Celoteh di hari Sabtu. Kembali lagi berceloteh di hari ini.. kali ini memikirkan tentang "self centered life". Ya, setelah aku pikir-pikir setelah sekian lama libur di kampung halaman, akhirnya aku berpikir bahwa salah satu masalah manusia adalah "self centered". Pemuasan diri yang tidak akan pernah habisnya. Keegoisan, kepentingan diri yang pada akhirnya mengorbankan kepentingan orang lain demi mendapatkan kepentingan diri. Demi memproteksi kepentingan diri, kepentingan orang lain dikorbankan. Salah satu contoh yang aku angkat adalah tentang eksploitasi alam oleh manusia-manusia rakus. Demi mendapatkan uang, manusia mengekploitasi alam secara gila-gilaan. Emas, minyak, batubara, hutan, dst, dieksploitasi sedemikian rupa. Di dekat kampung halamanku, penduduk mendulang emas dengan melepaskan Mercuri ke sungai-sungainya. Untuk membuka perkebunan sawit, hutan dibabat habis diganti dengan pohon-pohon kelapa sawit yang tidak bisa dihuni oleh binatang penghuni hutan s...

Christian World View of Deforestation in Indonesia

Christian Tradition about Creation Care Biblical Foundation for Creation Care Human role toward creation: Subdue and Rule; Serve and Keep Genesis 1-2 God gives commandment in Gen 1:26-28 for man to “ subdue the earth and rule over the rest of creation”. God made man and woman in His image with all the skill, intellectual, emotional capacity and capability. The meaning of subdue in Genesis 1:26-28 does not imply to “abuse” or “violence”. And the meaning of rule over in the verse is a responsibility of human beings entrusted by God to exercising authority and dominion over the rest of creation. Men and women exercise the authority with wisdom, power, goodness, grace, compassion, faithfulness, provision, protection, justice and and love 1 . Another mandate that God gave to human is in Gen 2:15 “to serve it and to take care of the creation”. The word “to serve” means doing hard work in order to serve so that it would persist and flourish. The words “to take care of it...
Deforestation in Indonesia Name : Naomi Fortuna Christian Tradition about Creation Care Biblical Foundation for Creation Care Human role toward creation: Subdue and Rule; Serve and Keep Genesis 1-2 God gives commandment in Gen 1:26-28 for man to “ subdue the earth and rule over the rest of creation”. God made man and woman in His image with all the skill, intellectual, emotional capacity and capability. The meaning of subdue in Genesis 1:26-28 does not imply to “abuse” or “violence”. And the meaning of rule over in the verse is a responsibility of human beings entrusted by God to exercising authority and dominion over the rest of creation. Men and women exercise the authority with wisdom, power, goodness, grace, compassion, faithfulness, provision, protection, justice and and love 1 . Another mandate that God gave to human is in Gen 2:15 “to serve it and to take care of the creation”. The word “to serve” means doing hard work in order to serve so that it wo...

The Parable of the Sower

Mark 4:1-20 (NIV) The Parable of the Sower 4 Again Jesus began to teach by the lake. The crowd that gathered around him was so large  that he got into a boat  and sat in it out on the lake,  while all the people were along the shore at the water’s edge.    2 He taught them many things by parables,  and in his teaching said: 3 “Listen! A farmer went out to sow his seed.  4 As he was scattering the seed,  some fell along the path,  and the birds came  and ate it up.  5 Some fell on rocky places,  where it did not have much soil.  It sprang up quickly,  because the soil was shallow.  6 But when the sun came up,  the plants were scorched,  and they withered because they had no root.  7 Other seed fell among thorns,  which grew up and choked the plants,  so that they did not bear grain.  8 Still ot...

Celoteh di hari Minggu

Kemarin aku bergumul cukup berat dengan sebuah keputusan, sebuah keadaan yang menurutku cukup sulit buatku. Keputusan tentang masa depan, di mana akan menghabiskan waktu-waktu kedepan untuk mengabdikan diri. Kegelisahanku membuat aku tidak bisa tidur hingga pukul 1 pagi. Pikiranku bagaikan air deras yang mengalir dan tidak bisa dihentikan. Pikiran-pikiran menerawang berkelana ke sana ke mari berpadu melebur dengan kegelisahan hati. Ah, akhirnya aku harus menghadapi semua ini juga. Sudah hampir dua minggu ini aku pulang ke Palangkaraya, kota kelahiranku. Maksud hati untuk menghabiskan waktu dengan mamah yang tinggal sendiri di rumah, menemaninya di masa senjanya. Ya, entah kenapa 2 minggu ini terasa cukup membosankan karena hanya tinggal di rumah saja, sesekali mengikuti acara di gereja yang sudah lama tak kukunjungi sejak bertahun-tahun silam. Banyak orang yang tak kukenal.. ada juga orang-orang tua teman mamah yang aku kenal. Mereka tampak semakin lanjut usia. Entah kenapa semua kon...